Top coconut producers in Africa

Stats May 27, 2024
Top coconut producers in Africa

Coconuts (Cocos nucifera) are tropical palm trees known for their versatile and valuable fruits. They belong to the Arecaceae family and are native to coastal regions in tropical and subtropical areas. Coconuts are renowned for their large, round fruit with a hard, fibrous outer shell and a nutritious inner flesh. The fruit's white edible flesh, called "copra," is used to produce coconut oil and is a rich source of healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. The clear liquid within the coconut, known as coconut water, is a refreshing beverage that is naturally rich in electrolytes.

Here's the list of the top coconut producers in Africa for the year 2021 based on the FAO figures:

1. Ghana : Ghana leads the list with a coconut production of 507,255.03 tonnes in 2021. The country's coastal areas provide a suitable environment for coconut cultivation.

2. Tanzania : Tanzania is a significant coconut producer, contributing 458,924.96 tonnes of coconuts in 2021. The fruit is grown in coastal regions.

3. Mozambique : Mozambique's coconut production reached 246,330.12 tonnes in 2021. The country's coastal climate supports coconut cultivation.

4. Nigeria : Nigeria produced 224,184.26 tonnes of coconuts in 2021, showcasing its role in coconut cultivation.

5. Côte d'Ivoire : Côte d'Ivoire contributed 124,810.54 tonnes of coconuts in 2021.

6. Comoros : Comoros produced 102,596.78 tonnes of coconuts in 2021.

7. Kenya : Kenya's coconut production amounted to 86,554 tonnes in 2021.

8. Guinea : Guinea produced 54,731.88 tonnes of coconuts in 2021.

9. Madagascar : Madagascar's coconut production reached 54,004.94 tonnes in 2021.

10. Somalia : Somalia completes the list with a coconut production of 14,682.82 tonnes in 2021.

These figures highlight the coconut production across various African countries in the year 2021.

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