Top Sweet potatoes producers in Africa

Stats July 11, 2024
Top Sweet potatoes producers in Africa

Sweet potatoes are a versatile and nutritious root vegetable, rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Known for their naturally sweet flavor, they are a staple food in many parts of the world, including Africa.

Here's the list of the top Sweet potatoes producers in Africa for the year 2022 based on the FAO figures:

In 2022, Africa produced a total of 29,530,153.16 tonnes of sweet potatoes. Here, we explore the top 10 producers on the continent.

  1. Malawi
    Malawi led the continent with a remarkable production of 8,051,118.37 tonnes of sweet potatoes in 2022. The favorable climate and soil conditions in Malawi make it an ideal location for sweet potato cultivation.

  2. United Republic of Tanzania
    Tanzania produced 4,259,619.65 tonnes of sweet potatoes in 2022. The country's agricultural sector benefits from a strong focus on root and tuber crops, including sweet potatoes.

  3. Nigeria
    With a production of 4,011,034.89 tonnes, Nigeria stands as the third-largest producer. Sweet potatoes are a vital part of the Nigerian diet, and the country's farmers have increasingly turned to this crop for its high yield and nutritional value.

  4. Angola
    Angola's sweet potato production reached 1,873,002 tonnes in 2022. The crop is essential for food security and income generation in many rural areas of Angola.

  5. Rwanda
    Rwanda produced 1,372,745.21 tonnes of sweet potatoes. The country's emphasis on agricultural innovation and improved farming techniques has boosted sweet potato yields significantly.

  6. Uganda
    Uganda's production was 1,337,511.74 tonnes. Sweet potatoes are a key crop in Uganda, contributing to both food security and economic stability.

  7. Madagascar
    Madagascar produced 1,132,742.12 tonnes of sweet potatoes. The island nation’s diverse climate supports the growth of a variety of crops, including sweet potatoes.

  8. Ethiopia
    Ethiopia's production was 1,000,575.96 tonnes. Sweet potatoes are grown across various regions of Ethiopia, providing a crucial source of nutrition and income.

  9. Burundi
    Burundi produced 807,860.51 tonnes of sweet potatoes. The crop plays a significant role in the diet of the Burundian people and is a staple food in many households.

  10. Kenya
    Kenya’s production reached 650,000 tonnes. The country's agricultural sector has seen a steady increase in sweet potato cultivation due to its adaptability and nutritional benefits.

These top 10 countries collectively contribute to the majority of Africa's sweet potato production, ensuring food security and supporting livelihoods across the continent.

The focus on sweet potatoes is not only a reflection of their nutritional value but also their importance in sustainable agriculture and economic development in Africa.

These figures showcase the Sweet potatoes production across various African countries in the year 2022.

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