Top Potatoes producers in Africa

Stats July 6, 2024
Top Potatoes producers in Africa

Potatoes are tuberous crops from the perennial nightshade Solanum tuberosum. Native to the Americas, potatoes have become a staple food in many parts of the world and are the fourth largest food crop globally, following maize, wheat, and rice. They are rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, making them a vital source of nutrition.

Here's the list of the top potatoes producers in Africa for the year 2022 based on the FAO figures:

  1. Egypt
    Egypt leads the continent in potato production, harvesting an impressive 6,155,466.58 tonnes in 2022. The country’s favorable climate and advanced agricultural practices contribute to its high yield.

  2. Algeria
    Algeria produced 4,299,816.54 tonnes of potatoes in 2022. The country has been steadily increasing its potato production through the expansion of cultivated areas and the adoption of modern farming techniques.

  3. South Africa
    With a production of 2,528,946 tonnes in 2022, South Africa is a major player in the potato industry. The country’s diverse climatic conditions allow for potato farming in various regions, ensuring a steady supply throughout the year.

  4. Morocco
    Morocco harvested 1,768,362 tonnes of potatoes in 2022. The country’s agricultural sector benefits from well-developed irrigation systems and fertile soil, which boost potato yields.

  5. Kenya
    Kenya produced 1,754,000 tonnes of potatoes in 2022. Potatoes are a crucial crop for Kenya, providing food security and income for many smallholder farmers.

  6. Malawi
    In 2022, Malawi’s potato production reached 1,465,201.62 tonnes. The country has been focusing on improving agricultural practices and supporting farmers to increase potato yields.

  7. Ethiopia
    Ethiopia produced 1,294,303.98 tonnes of potatoes in 2022. The country’s highlands offer ideal conditions for potato farming, and efforts are being made to enhance productivity through better seed varieties and farming techniques.

  8. Nigeria
    Nigeria’s potato production was 1,216,408.73 tonnes in 2022. Potatoes are becoming increasingly important in Nigeria’s agricultural landscape, contributing to food security and economic development.

  9. United Republic of Tanzania
    Tanzania produced 1,013,153.97 tonnes of potatoes in 2022. The country is working on improving its agricultural infrastructure and practices to further boost potato production.

  10. Rwanda
    Rwanda harvested 908,007.15 tonnes of potatoes in 2022. Potatoes are a key crop in Rwanda, with ongoing efforts to improve yields through better farming practices and support for local farmers.

These top 10 producers highlight the significant role potatoes play in African agriculture, providing food security, nutrition, and economic benefits to millions across the continent.

These figures showcase the significant potatoes production across various African countries in the year 2022.

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