Top papaya producers in Africa

Stats May 27, 2024
Top papaya producers in Africa

Papayas (Carica papaya) are tropical fruit known for their sweet, juicy flesh and distinctive orange color. They belong to the Caricaceae family and are native to Central and South America. Papayas are known for their unique pear-like shape and are typically consumed when ripe. The fruit is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as enzymes like papain, which aids in digestion. Papayas are often eaten fresh, but they can also be used in smoothies, salads, and various culinary dishes.

Here's the list of the top papaya producers in Africa for the year 2021 based on the FAO figures:

1. Nigeria : Nigeria leads the list with a papaya production of 895,054.11 tonnes in 2021. The country's tropical climate supports papaya cultivation.

2. Democratic Republic of the Congo : The Democratic Republic of the Congo contributed 211,046.27 tonnes of papayas in 2021, showcasing its role in papaya production.

3. Kenya : Kenya's papaya production reached 81,446.22 tonnes in 2021. The fruit is cultivated in various regions of the country.

4. Ethiopia : Ethiopia produced 77,656.39 tonnes of papayas in 2021, highlighting its contribution to the regional papaya market.

5. Malawi : Malawi's papaya production amounted to 67,923.99 tonnes in 2021.

6. Mali : Mali produced 64,024 tonnes of papayas in 2021.

7. Mozambique : Mozambique's papaya production reached 43,070.68 tonnes in 2021.

8. Côte d'Ivoire : Côte d'Ivoire contributed 14,124.41 tonnes of papayas in 2021.

9. South Africa : South Africa's papaya production amounted to 9,398 tonnes in 2021.

10. Ghana : Ghana's papaya production reached 5,644.69 tonnes in 2021.

These figures highlight the papaya production across various African countries in the year 2021. 

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