Top Onion producers in Africa

Stats July 6, 2024
Top Onion producers in Africa

Onions (Allium cepa) are a staple vegetable known for their pungent taste and distinctive aroma. They are widely used in various cuisines around the world, adding flavor and depth to a myriad of dishes. Beyond their culinary uses, onions also offer numerous health benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties, and are rich in vitamins and minerals. In Africa, onion cultivation is a significant agricultural activity, contributing to both local economies and food security.

Here's the list of the top onion producers in Africa for the year 2022 based on the FAO figures:

  1. Egypt
    Egypt leads the continent with an impressive production of 3,663,943.34 tonnes in 2022. The country's favorable climate and advanced farming techniques contribute to its top position.

  2. Algeria
    Algeria produced 1,763,117.95 tonnes of onions in 2022. The country's emphasis on agricultural development has significantly boosted its onion production.

  3. Sudan
    Sudan harvested 1,591,709.28 tonnes of onions in 2022. The Nile River's irrigation plays a crucial role in supporting the country's agriculture.

  4. Nigeria
    With a production of 1,554,965.75 tonnes in 2022, Nigeria stands as a major player in onion cultivation in West Africa.

  5. Niger
    Niger produced 1,496,545.05 tonnes of onions in 2022. The country's agricultural sector benefits from its semi-arid climate, which is suitable for onion farming.

  6. Morocco
    Morocco's onion production reached 802,388.7 tonnes in 2022. The country's diverse climate zones support a variety of crops, including onions.

  7. South Africa
    South Africa produced 678,544 tonnes of onions in 2022. The country's advanced agricultural practices and infrastructure contribute to its substantial production.

  8. Senegal
    Senegal harvested 420,000 tonnes of onions in 2022. The country's commitment to improving agricultural productivity has paid off in recent years.

  9. Mozambique
    Mozambique produced 409,742 tonnes of onions in 2022. The country's agricultural sector is gradually expanding, with onions being a significant crop.

  10. Cameroon
    Cameroon produced 386,765.69 tonnes of onions in 2022. The country's diverse climate and fertile soils support the cultivation of various crops, including onions.


The top 10 onion-producing countries in Africa demonstrate the continent's capacity to cultivate this essential vegetable.

These nations contribute significantly to the local and regional food supply, supporting both economic development and nutritional needs.

As agricultural practices continue to advance, the production of onions in Africa is expected to grow, further cementing the continent's role in global agriculture.

These figures showcase the significant onion production across various African countries in the year 2022.

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