Top Cucumbers and Gherkins producers in Africa

Stats July 10, 2024
Top Cucumbers and Gherkins producers in Africa

Cucumbers and gherkins are popular vegetables grown worldwide. Cucumbers are typically larger and eaten fresh, while gherkins are smaller and often pickled. Both are versatile in culinary uses, providing refreshing flavors and nutritional benefits. In Africa, several countries lead in the production of these crops. 

Here's the list of the top cucumbers and gherkins producers in Africa for the year 2022 based on the FAO figures:

  1. Egypt - Leading the continent, Egypt produced 484,424.68 tonnes of cucumbers and gherkins in 2022. The country's favorable climate and well-established agricultural practices contribute to its top position.

  2. Cameroon - With a production of 262,120.65 tonnes in 2022, Cameroon ranks second. The country's diverse agro-ecological zones support the cultivation of various crops, including cucumbers and gherkins.

  3. Sudan - Producing 227,042.93 tonnes in 2022, Sudan holds the third position. Sudan's vast arable land and irrigation systems play a crucial role in its agricultural output.

  4. Algeria - Algeria produced 190,924.98 tonnes of cucumbers and gherkins in 2022. The country's Mediterranean climate is ideal for growing these vegetables, contributing to its high production levels.

  5. Mali - With a production of 105,876 tonnes in 2022, Mali ranks fifth. Mali's agricultural sector is vital to its economy, with cucumbers and gherkins being significant contributors.

  6. Tunisia - Tunisia produced 70,111.03 tonnes in 2022. The country's well-developed agricultural infrastructure and favorable growing conditions support its cucumber and gherkin production.

  7. Morocco - In 2022, Morocco produced 63,155 tonnes. The country's strategic agricultural policies and investments have bolstered its production of various crops, including cucumbers and gherkins.

  8. South Africa - South Africa's production stood at 29,651 tonnes in 2022. The country's diverse climatic regions enable the cultivation of a wide range of horticultural crops.

  9. Côte d'Ivoire - Producing 20,740.48 tonnes in 2022, Côte d'Ivoire ranks ninth. The country's agricultural sector is crucial to its economy, with cucumbers and gherkins being among the important crops.

  10. Malawi - Malawi produced 17,636.19 tonnes in 2022. The country's favorable agricultural conditions and initiatives to boost horticulture contribute to its production levels.

These top 10 producers highlight the significance of cucumbers and gherkins in Africa's agricultural landscape. The production of these vegetables not only supports local economies but also contributes to food security and nutrition across the continent.

These figures showcase the significant cucumber and gherkin production across various African countries in the year 2022.

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