Top Cassava producers in Africa

Stats July 11, 2024
Top Cassava producers in Africa

Cassava, a starchy root crop, is a staple food for millions in Africa. It is valued for its resilience to harsh conditions and versatility in culinary uses, such as in making fufu, gari, and tapioca.

Cassava is also a significant source of carbohydrates, essential for food security on the continent.

Here's the list of the top Cassava producers in Africa for the year 2022 based on the FAO figures:

In 2022, Africa produced a total of 208,627,012.53 tons of cassava. Here are the top 10 cassava-producing countries in Africa based on production data for that year:

  1. Nigeria: Leading the continent, Nigeria produced an impressive 60,835,539.96 tons of cassava in 2022. This substantial output underscores the country's reliance on cassava as a vital food source and its role in the agricultural economy.

  2. Democratic Republic of the Congo: With a production of 48,774,623 tons, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is the second-largest producer. Cassava is a crucial staple for both rural and urban populations in the country.

  3. Ghana: Ghana's cassava production reached 25,592,014.08 tons in 2022. The crop plays a significant role in the country's food systems and local economies, supporting numerous smallholder farmers.

  4. Angola: Producing 10,547,506 tons, Angola ranks fourth. Cassava is integral to the diets of many Angolans, contributing to food security and rural livelihoods.

  5. Mozambique: In 2022, Mozambique produced 6,466,857 tons of cassava. The crop is vital for food and income, particularly in rural areas where it is grown by many small-scale farmers.

  6. United Republic of Tanzania: Tanzania's cassava production stood at 6,354,438.68 tons. The crop's adaptability to various climatic conditions makes it a reliable food source across the country.

  7. Côte d'Ivoire: Côte d'Ivoire produced 6,300,000 tons of cassava in 2022. The crop is an essential component of the Ivorian diet, especially in rural communities.

  8. Cameroon: With a production of 6,267,574.33 tons, Cameroon is a significant cassava producer. The crop is used in various traditional dishes and supports the livelihoods of many farmers.

  9. Malawi: Malawi produced 6,239,912.01 tons of cassava in 2022. It is a key food crop, helping to ensure food security for many Malawian families.

  10. Benin: Benin's cassava production was 4,350,053.57 tons. The crop is crucial for food and economic stability, providing sustenance and income for numerous households.

Cassava continues to be a cornerstone of food security and agricultural livelihoods across Africa. Its resilience and adaptability make it a critical crop for the continent's future.

These figures showcase the Cassava production across various African countries in the year 2022.

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