Top banana producers in Africa

Stats May 27, 2024
Top banana producers in Africa

Bananas are a popular and widely consumed tropical fruit known for their distinctive shape, vibrant color, and sweet taste. They belong to the Musaceae family and come in two main types: dessert bananas, which are typically consumed fresh, and plantains, which are larger and starchier and are often cooked before consumption. Bananas are a rich source of carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them a nutritious and energy-packed snack.

Here's the list of the top banana producers in Africa for the year 2021 based on the FAO figures:

1. Angola : Angola leads the list with a banana production of 4,345,799 tonnes in 2021. Bananas are an essential crop in the country's agriculture.

2. Tanzania : Tanzania is a significant banana producer, contributing 3,588,510.28 tonnes of bananas in 2021. The fruit is a staple in the country's diet.

3. Rwanda : Rwanda's banana production reached 2,143,866 tonnes in 2021. The fruit plays a vital role in the country's food security.

4. Kenya : With a production of 1,985,254.49 tonnes in 2021, Kenya is also among the top banana producers in Africa.

5. Egypt : Egypt produced 1,285,129.25 tonnes of bananas in 2021. The country's climate supports banana cultivation.

6. Burundi : Burundi contributed 1,278,299.81 tonnes of bananas in 2021. Bananas are a key agricultural product in the country.

7. Cameroon : With a production of 1,132,649.05 tonnes in 2021, Cameroon is a notable banana producer within the region.

8. Sudan : Sudan's banana production reached 934,296.87 tonnes in 2021, showcasing its role in banana cultivation.

9. Ethiopia : Ethiopia completes the list with a banana production of 849,716.97 tonnes in 2021. Bananas are cultivated in various regions of the country.

These figures highlight the significant banana production across various African countries in the year 2021. 

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